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Daily Technical Report 27-2-2024

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Daily Technical Report

Prices are trading below the resistance levels at $103.85, and in this scenario, we may retest the support zone around $102.75. This scenario would be invalidated if there is a re-break above the previously mentioned resistance zone.


103.40 102.75
Resistance 104.8 105.25



Daily Technical Report

Prices are trading below a crucial resistance zone within the range of $78.5, which was expected to limit the upward momentum. Consequently, we might target $74 in this scenario. This scenario would be invalidated if the resistance zones mentioned earlier are breached to the upside.


75.7 74.5 74
Resistance 78.3 78.8


Daily Technical Report

Bitcoin is currently moving in an upward direction on the medium term. Prices experienced a rapid increase in yesterday’s trading, and it is likely that we may witness a relative calm in the pace of the ascent before it resumes.


53700 52800 50700
Resistance 57000 63000

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