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Daily Technical Report 14-3-2024

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Daily Technical Report

Prices faced selling pressure around the 1.0980 range, leading to a decline to support levels in the 1.0900 range. It is expected that prices will move on the short term within a sideways range between the two zones of 1.0975 and 1.0900.


1.0900 1.0850 1.0800
Resistance 1.0950 1.0975



Daily Technical Report

Gold is trending upwards on the medium-term horizon, but it faced selling pressure around the $2195 region, leading to a decline in prices. Currently, prices are trading below a resistance area, and it’s likely to retest the support zone around $2160. If that area is broken downwards, we may test support at $2140.


2160 2140 2120
Resistance 2183 2200



Daily Technical Report

The Dow Jones index is trading around the $38,750 level, and with the prices holding above these levels, a further rise in prices is likely, resuming the upward trend in the medium term. This scenario would be invalidated if the key support level at $38,000 is broken downward.


38750 38500 38200
Resistance 39150 39300

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