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About Trading Techniques

Currency Swap

Currency Swaps : A currency swap is a cash flow management tool that is very popular with businesses that have foreign currency inflows and outflows at different or unexpected dates. It involves two opposite transactions that are completed…

Carry Trade

Carry-Trade : Playing the Carry-Trade Game Each foreign currency has a central bank that issues an overnight lending rate. This is a prime gauge of a currency's value. In recent history, low Interest rates have resulted in the devaluation…

Best Crosses Ror Ranging Trading

CROSSES ARE TYPICALLY BEST FOR RANGE TRADING : In contrast to the majors and commodity block currencies, which can offer traders some of the strongest and longest trending opportunities, currency crosses often present the best range-bound…

The Ten Rules For Forex Trading

The Ten Rules For Forex Trading : I list here ten rules that I think are important for trading FOREX. I have split the list into five Dos and five Don'ts. Dos : 1- When trying out a new trading strategy, always test it in a demo account,…