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About Fundamental Analysis

Earning or Paying Interest

Earning or Paying Interest Basic Understanding is that we have a cost or credit in carrying either higher yielding or lower yielding currency. If we short AUDUSD, we would pay interest because the AUD has a higher interest rate then USD,…

Industry Analysis

INDUSTRY ANALYSIS Industry analysis indicates to an investor whether the industry is a growth industry or not. It gives an investor a choice of the industry in which the investments should be made. Industry analysis refers to an…

Bond Spreads And Currencies

Bond Spreads and Currencies Bond spreads what are they? Bond spreads actually refer to the variance in the bond yields of two countries in comparison. This is the overall foundation of the previously mentioned “carry trade.” Bond Spreads…

Bond Prices vs Bond Yields

Bond Prices vs Bond Yields These terms are employed interchangeably a lot when discussing bonds, so it is important to spell out what they are to eradicate confusion. The bond price is the cost of the bond; that is what the bond buyer pays…

Bond Yields And Currencies

Bond Yields and Currencies Bonds are in comparison to currencies a lower yielding opportunities but are considered to be safer assets due to the fact that interest yields on the bond instruments are almost always fully guaranteed. For that…

Rollover (Carrying Cost)

What is behind the Rollover (carrying cost): Each day, interest is charged on open positions, typically at 5 PM ET. That interest is dependent upon the interest rate differential between the two currencies in a trading pair. These rollover…