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Daily Technical Report 7-2-2024

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Daily Technical Report 7-2-2024

The prices have reached the target of 104.40, where it is likely to encounter resistance and a slowdown in the upward momentum. However, if 104.40 is breached to the upside, we may target the area around 106.


103.8 102.80 102.45
Resistance 104.4 104.65



Daily Technical Report 7-2-2024

Prices bounced back from the support zone at 1.2530, where it was expected to limit the downward momentum. The prices now face resistance in the range of 1.2630, and in the case of breaking above it, we may target 1.2800.


1.2530 1.2515 1.2500
Resistance 1.2630 1.2750



Daily Technical Report 7-2-2024

Prices rebounded from the support zone at $2020, where it was expected to limit the downward movement. The prices are now resuming their upward momentum and face secondary resistance in the area of $2040. In the case of a breakthrough, we may target $2060. This scenario would be invalidated in the event of a break below the support zone at $2020.


2015 2010
Resistance 2040 2050



Daily Technical Report 7-2-2024

Prices rebounded from near the minor support zone in the range of $72.5, where the emergence of buying power was anticipated, limiting the downward momentum. In the case of breaking above the resistance zone at $74, we may resume the upward movement. Conversely, if the support zone at $72.50 is broken again to the downside, we could target $70.50.


72.5 70.5 70
Resistance 74 75


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